Mon Valley Happenings


Village-goers enjoy dancing under the Jakomas Blue Top Pavilion, left photo. Above, the crowd was entertained by several groups Wednesday night.

TJ International Club performed a variety of traditional dances.

Richie Zebrowski Freestyle, left, provided the perfect music for polka dancing under the Jakomas Blue Top Pavilion, right, on the final night of the Village.

A crowd favorite at International Village, the Lajkoniki Polish Dancers offered a high-energy performance to close the 64th ethnic festival.

While festival-goers watched the fireworks, they were also treated to an addition at Stephen Barry Field - new lighting that  illumated the poles red, white and blue. 

August 15, 2024


​​     International Village got its start as part of McKeesport’s Old Home Week in 1960, a 10-day event that celebrated the city’s rich history and ethnic diversity.
     The event helped mark the city’s “165 years of Dynamic Progress,” according to a letter from then Mayor Andrew J. Jakomas in an official publication for the occasion. Describing the festival, the publication said it was “an event which will manifest the diverse heritages of the Citizens of McKeesport.”     
     During Old Home Week, Market Street between Fifth and Sixth avenues was closed and transformed into an International Village with 10 decorated booths manned by folks who made McKeesport home after arriving from their homelands. They served traditional food and displayed original handicrafts.
     Not only was there food and handmade items, musical performances were given by each of the nationality groups. Dances were performed in authentic costumes and national songs were sung and played on traditional instruments.
     According to the mayor’s letter, “We anticipate that this colorful event will attract thousands to the International Village and accomplish the purpose of demonstrating the makeup of our citizenry.”
     According to reports, several thousand people visited the Village making it — and the Old Home Week parade — the most popular part of the celebration.
     International Village was only one component of Old Home Week, which started with a beauty queen contest and fireworks on July 1 and concluded with a Soap Box Derby and community religious services in Renziehausen Park on July 10. Various events included a water carnival on the Monongahela River, a tour of the city, McKeesport Boys Club’s Olympics at the White Street playground, a symphony concert at the bandshell in Renziehausen Park, “tavern specialties” with 5-cent beer, an art show, photo displays, baby contest, and a dog show. The chairman was Zoran Popovich.
     Part of the celebration included the streets adorned with flags from all the nations of the world. Ten nationalities were represented in that first International Village — Greek, Polish, Ukrainian, Serbian, Hungarian, Italian, Croatian, Romanian, Irish, and Jewish.
    The popularity of the International Village component prompted the chairman to continue the Village the following year in August at what would become its new home — Stephen Barry Field in Renziehausen Park.

Two members of Allegheny County Police Department's Mounted Patrol Unit were a hit with Village-goers of all ages.


     An event 65 years ago celebrating the rich ethnic heritage of McKeesport​ has evolved into a three-day festival of food and entertainment that continues to pay tribute to the city's melting pot of traditions.     
   This year's International Village is Aug. 13-15 from 3-9 p.m. at Stephen Barry Field in McKeesport’s Renziehausen Park along Eden Park Boulevard. Admission is $2.
   Traditional ethnic food and entertainment has been a mainstay of the festival since its beginning as part of McKeesport’s Old Home Week in 1960. That tradition continues this year when 16 nationalities will share their heritage with Village-goers.
    Ethnic entertainment will again be featured each day under the Blue Top and on the Main Stage (See Schedule Below). 
   The parking lot adjacent to the Blue Top Pavilion (Gate 4) is handicapped parking ONLY. Free parking is available at designated areas in Renzie Park for the festival. 
     Seating will be available under the Blue Top Pavilion and behind the food booths near Gate 3. Chairs will be set up around the main stage for watching the entertainment.    

Picnic tables were added this year between the Vietnamese and Egyptian booths.

Songs and dances of Croatia were performed by members of the Rankin Jr. Tamburitzans.

FAAP Phillipines Dancers offered colorful traditional costumes and dramatic dances to a very receptive crowd.

A popular information booth supports the McKeesport Police. Folks can buy t-shirts and meet the department's K-9 officers.

Village-goers enjoy second night of international food, entertainment

Food, music, fireworks highlight first night of Village

     The sights, sounds and flavors of International Village came to life once again on Stephen Barry Field in Renziehausen Park for McKeesport's 64th annual ethnic festival.

     The festival continues Wednesday beginning at 3 p.m. Admission is $2. Free parking is available at McKeesport Area High School.

     Everything was perfect for opening night festivities, which included a spectacular fireworks display. The weather was ideal, the crowds were big, folks didn't mind waiting in line for their favorite international cuisine, and the performers kept festival-goers entertained with song, dance and music.

      Food from 16 countries is available from baklava to ube pan de sal (purple yam bread) and everything in between, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Nationalities represented are Austrian, Croatian, Egyptian, French, German, Ghana (African-American), Greek, Hawaiian, Italian, Lebanese, Mexican, Philippian, Polish, Swedish, Tawainese, and Vietnamese.

     Entertainment is offered on two stages - under the Jakomas Blue Top Pavilion from 5-9 p.m. and on the Main Stage beginning at 6 p.m. The lineup for Wednesday evening on the Main Stage is: Alpen Muzikanten, 6 p.m.; ABC by JoAnn, 7 p.m.; Rankin Junior Tamburitzans, 7:30 p.m.; Jr. Tamburitzans of Duquesne, 8 p.m.; and an Egyptian bellydancer, 8:30 p.m. Mikey Dee Internationals will play under the Blue Top.

     An opening night tradition is the introduction of city officials. McKeesport Mayor Michael Cherepko welcomed the crowd. "It's an honor and a privilege to be here today to welcome you to International Village. It looks like the Lord is going to bless us this year with perfect weather."

     Praising the festival, Sen. James Brewster said, "This is what we (McKeesport) are about. If you are a visitor, this is McKeesport, this is who we are."

     Also, the Prince and Princess crowded Monday at Village for Kids, received their bicycles and helmets which were donated by the McKeesport Trail Commission and the McKeesport Police Department. This year's prince is Brayden Hoover, 11, of McKeesport and the princess is Khloe Byrd, 9, of McKeesport.

     Other features include several inflatable for younger Village-goers and numerous information booths adjacent to the Blue Top including McKeesport Police, McKeesport Regional History & Heritage Center, McKeesport Little Theater, Carnegie Library of McKeesport, a prayer boothk, Auberle, and UPMC Smart. There's also a diaper changing station hosted by McKeesport Alliance Church. And don't forget to sign up for the annual Casturo Education Awards for any post-secondary education, which will be awarded Thursday evening; application forms are available at the library booth.

     Kicking off the entertainment on the Main Stage, Entertainment Coordinator Mikey Dee told the crowd seated at chairs and picnic tables around the stage area, "It's wonderful to see all of our cultures and ethnicity come together for International Village."

    After missing last year's Village, Stage Manager Patrick Fisher is glad to be back. "I took a leave of absence last year because I had surgery but I'm glad to be back this year," he told the crowd. "I appreciate everyone's prayers and I am so happy to be back. I appreciate your support and love."

     Story and photos by Carol Waterloo Frazier  

     The last of the food has been served and the stages are silent, but the memories of the 64th annual International Village will live on in the hearts of those who attended, volunteered, performed and served in the booths.

     What started as an event during McKeesport's Old Home Week in 1960 has become a meeting place of friends and family - and a place to make new friends. Whether on the dance floor at the Jakomas Blue Top Pavilion, sharing a table while enjoying your favorite festival food or in line at the food booths, the people at the Village share a common thread - enjoying food and entertainment from around the world. 

     Through the years the Village has evolved and thanks to the countless hours of work the festival continues to thrive. The committee behind this year's event is McKeesport Mayor Michael Cherepko; Keith Soles, chairman/council representative; Dan Carr, director/event coordinator; Annette James, secretary; Kim Carr, field office manager; Bobby Billsborrow, personnel director; Tony Ura, customer relations; Marie Domingo, collections management; Ron Gongaware, field collection; Tom Rosso, logistics; Colin Clarke, sanitation; Margaret Garrahy, pop/water vending; Sharon Soles, gate volunteer coordinator; Mikey Dee, entertainment/MC; Patrick Fisher, stage manager; Allison Piccolino, Village for Kids; and Jason Togyer, publicity.

    Special thanks must be given to the young people tirelessly walking around the grounds, emptying garbage cans to keep the area clean and wiping off tables when folks leave so they are clean and ready for the next people. They work hard and don't receive attention - and especially the thanks - they deserve.

     Every year a highlight of the final night is the awarding of two Casturo Education Awards to students furthering their education after high school. The recipient of the $500 award is Julie Miller who is attending Community College of Allegheny County and the $250 award recipient is Destiny Mooney who is attending CCAC.

     As festivities were winding down, entertainment coordinator Mikey Dee said, "This was a great year. It was another step in coming back from the pandemic. This is a great celebration of the cultures of this area and it's great to celebrate those cultures with so many friends."

     This year was extra special for Patrick Fisher, who was unable to attend last year. He commended improvements made to the park that "make it easier for everyone to experience International Village. We had three perfect nights with the weather, which rarely - if ever - happens. I love the enthusiasm of all the people who come out to this. I am so happy Keith Soles gave me the opportunity to do this once again and I'm looking forward to next year."

     If you're already missing your favorite food, dancing, and listening to traditional music, don't worry. Plans are already being made for the 65th International Village. 

Story and photos by Carol Waterloo Frazier

Leading up to the fireworks, the crowd was entertained by a Lebanese bellydancer, left photo. Above, lines formed at the food booths throughout the evening as folks patiently waited for their favorite ethnic food. There are 16 nationalities represented at this year's food and entertainment festival.


     The 15th annual Village for Kids will be Monday, Aug. 12 from 12-3 p.m. at the Lions Band Shell and ballfield in Renziehausen Park. This is a free event. Adult supervision is recommended for children younger than 6.
    Festivities will include food, a photo booth, crafts, games, face painting, music, and a Meet and Greet with Bluey and Chase. A Prince and Princess will be crowned at 2:30 p.m.; they must be there to win. Each will receive a 20-inch bike and a helmet donated by the McKeesport Trail Commission and presented at International Village Tuesday, Aug. 13 at 8 p.m.
     Following is the agenda:

NOON - 3 p.m.
     Music at the bandshell
    Food Gallery (Hot dogs, chips, cookies, drinks, fruit snacks; nachos and pop will be available to purchase from the McKeesport Trail Commission) 
     Screenings, information, crafts, game tables, facepainting
     Photo Booth Tent
NOON - 2 p.m.
    Registration table for "A Village Kids" Day Prince and Princess. Children 12 and younger are eligible.
1-2 p.m. AT THE STAGE
     Meet and Greet with Bluey and Chase (made possible by P.G.H. Party Creations and Nuttall Public Safety Equipment LLC)
2:30 p.m. AT THE STAGE
     Crowing of the Prince and Princess

The following groups are part of this year's Village for Kids: 
​Mayor Mike Cherepko 

Nuttall Public Safety Equipment LLC 
Goodwill of Southwestern PA 
PA American Water 
UPMC for You Dental 

Auberle - Foster Care 

Pediatric Denistry Asleep 

Auberle - SNAP Program 
Human Services Center Mon Valley 

McKeesport Trail Commission 
McKeesport Area School District 
McKeesport Police Department 
McKeesport Fire Department 
McKeesport Area Rescue Services 

State Senator Jim Brewster 

McKeesport International Village 

See Clear/Mon Valley Arts 
Devereux TCV 

City of McKeesport  
Latterman Family Health Center 

PA CHIP Program 
McKeesport Regional History & Heritage Center 
Black Women's Policy Center 
Penn State Greater Allegheny 

Miller's Gymnastics 
McKeesport Family Center 

State Representative Nick Pisciottano 
State Representative Matt Gergely 
Carnegie Library of McKeesport 
McKeesport Lions Club 

Girl Scouts Western PA 

Fund My Future PGH 

McKeesport Area High School Cheerleaders 

Allegheny County Office of Family & Child Health 

Garden Club of McKeesport 

Century Heritage Federal Credit Union 

Women for a Healthy Environment 

Park Baptist Church 

Mon Valley Independent 

UPMC for Kids 

Founation of Hope's Youth Diversion Program 

​McKeesport Housing Authority 

Village-goers wait in line for their favorite ethnic food.

Dance Company for the Performing Arts offered  Italian and French dances.

August 13, 2024

Alpen Muzikanten kicked off the Main Stage entertainment with songs from Austria and Slovenia.

Village for Kids' Prince and Princess received their bikes and helmets during opening ceremonies.

Neighborhood Kolo Dancers performed several different kolos and encouraged anyone in the crowd who enjoys kolo dancing to join them on stage.

Dancers from ABC by JoAnn entertained the crowd with a variety of Hawaiian dances, above. The second night of the festival closed with traditional Egyptian bellydancing, right.


Entertainment from around the world will be presented each day at two locations. Each night there will be entertainment under the Jakomas Blue Top Pavilion from 5-9 p.m. and several groups performing nightly on the Main Stage beginning at 6 p.m. Fireworks are planned Tuesday night. Entertainment coordinator is Mikey Dee.


Dance Company for the Performing Arts - 6 p.m.
TJ International Club - 6:30 p.m.

Opening Ceremony/Introduction of Elected Officials - 7 p.m.

Grecian Odessey Dancers - 7:30 p.m.
Otets Paiissi Bulgarian Dancers - 8 p.m.

Lebanese Bellydancer - 8:30 p.m.

FIREWORKS (weather permitting) - 9 p.m.


Kolo with Radost



Alpen Muzikanten - 6 p.m.
ABC by JoAnn - 7 p.m.
Rankin Junior Tamburitzans - 7:30 p.m.

Jr. Tamburitzans of Duquesne - 8 p.m.

Egyptian Bellydancer - 8:30 p.m.
Mikey Dee Internationals
Gypsy Stringz - 6 p.m.

Neighborhood Kolo Dancers - 7 p.m.

FAAP Dancers (Phillipines) - 7:30 p.m.
Lajkoniki Polish Dancers - 8 p.m.

Polka with Richie Zebrowski Freestyle

Dancers showed off their kolo skills under the Jakomas Blue Top Pavilion.

The Mexican booth had an addition for the final night - and inflatable cacti mariachi band.

Members of the Rankin Jr. Tamburitzans, left, relax before taking the stage. Several inflatables, right, keep young festival attendees entertained.

August 14, 2024

Otets Paiissi Bulgarian Dancers offered a lively performance.

Fireworks illuminated the festival sky. 

The Jr. Tamburitzans of Duquesne performed a variety of traditional songs and dances.

Mikey Dee Internationals, left, provided the entertainment under the Blue Top Pavilion. Village-goers were eager to try traditional food from the Philippines, above.

Gypsy Strings got things started on the Main Stage.

The Grecian Odessey Dancers offered a musical tour of the country.


This site will offer information about the annual ethnic food and entertainment festival Aug. 13-15 at Renziehausen Park in McKeesport. Stories and photos will be posted of the event. If you have memories of International Village, send them to for possible posting on the site. 

Folks enjoy their favorite foods while relaxing under the Jakomas Blue Top Pavillion, right photo. They are entertained by Radost, left photo, whose music is perfect for showing off kolo skills. Flags from around the world hang inside the pavillion.

     Whether savoring stuffed grape leaves, Hoppin Johns, gyros, stuffed cabbage, papas fritas, lumianitos or apple dumplings there was plenty of food - and entertainment - at the second night of International Village.
     Festivities continue Thursday from 3-9 p.m. on Stephen Barry Field in Renziehausen Park in McKeesport. Admission is $2. Free parking is available at McKeesport Area High School and First Free Evangelical Church.

     Entertainment for the final night of the 64th annual International Village begins at 6 p.m. on the Main Stage and features: Gypsy Stringz, 6 p.m.; Neighborhood Kolo Dancers, 7 p.m.; FAAP Dancers (Phillipines), 7:30 p.m.; and the 
Lajkoniki Polish Dancers, 8 p.m. Polka with Richie Zebrowski Freestyle will perform under the Jakomas Blue Top Pavilion from 5-9 p.m.

     Sixteen nationalities are represented at the Village, serving a variety of traditional food. If you want to plan your culinary journey, menus for each booth are listed below. To make it more convenient, a couple booths accept credit cards and there are ATM machines available at the festival.

     Students still have a chance to apply for one of two Casturo Education Awards. Applications are available at the Carnegie Library of McKeesport booth across from the Blue Top Pavilion. Two awards - one for $500 and one for $250 - will be announced in a random drawing Thursday night. Recipients do not have to be present to win.

Story and photos by Carol Waterloo Frazier     

Patrick Fisher, left, and Mikey Dee keep things moving flawlessly on the Main Stage.

Final night of Village a perfect end of three-day nationality festival   


     For many people who attend International Village, the food is the main attraction. This year, 17 nationalities will offer some of their traditional food to this year's festival-goers. 

    Funnel Cakes (with toppings) - $10

    Lemonade - $5 small, $7 large

    Corn Dogs - $6

    Soft Pretzel - $6

    Cheese - $1 extra

    Apple or Cherry Strudel - $4


   Sarma (stuffed cabbage)

   Kielbasa with sauerkraut

   Hot Dogs



   Croatian potato salad (with oil and vinegar)

   Palacinka (crepe with apricot, rasberry or cheese filling)

   Medenjaci (honey cake)

   Chicken Shawarma Sandwich - $12

   Falafel Sandwich - $10

   Lamb Pie - $6

   Spinach with Feta Pie - $6

   Stuffed Grape Leaves - 4 for $6

   Hummous Dip - $6

   Baba Gannouj Dip - $6

   Tabbouleh Salad - $6

   Baklava - $5/square

   Chocolate Covered Almond Roll - $3

   Lemonade - $4 small, $7 large


    Fried Vegetables

    French Fries

    Funnel Cake

    Lemon Ade


    Sauerkraut Balls - 4 for $10

    Large German Pretzel -$13

    Haluskie - $10

    Pierogies  - $10

    Potato Pancakes - 3 for $10

    German Sausage - $12

    Combo - $12

    Lemonade - $8

    Strawberry Lemonade - $10

GHANA (African American)

   Dinners (includes 2 side dishes):  

   Southern Fried Wings (4 wings per dinner) - $16

   Barbecue Ribs (3-4 bones per dinner) - $20

   Barbecue Pigs Feet (2 feet per dinner) - $13

   A La Carte:  

   Southern Fried Chicken Wings - 6 for $12

   Barbecue Rib Sandwich (3 bones) - $12

   Half Slab of Barbecue Ribs - $17

   Slab of Barbecue Ribs - $27

   Barbecue Pigs Feet (2 feet) - $8

   Sides Dishes:

   Southern Tenders (collard greens) - $5

   Red Rice - $5

   Hoppin Johns (red beans and rice) - $5


   Corn Bread or White Bread - $2


   Sweet Potato Pie - $4 slice, $15 whole



   Cheese Pies

   Spinach Pies

   Honey Balls

   Grape Leaves





   Koulourakia (3) 

   Pastry Assortment

HAWAII - Menu Will Be Posted When Available 


    Stuffed Banana Peppers


    Meat Balls

    Italian Beef

​    Italian Provolone Wheel

    Hot Sausage

   Gyro Sandwich - $12

   Falafel Sandwich - $10

   Baked Kibbee - $6

   Stuffed Grapeleaves - 4 for $6

   Spinach Pie - $6

   Spinach Pie with Feta - $6

   Meat Pie - $6

   Hummous Dip - $6

   Baba Gannouj Dip - $6

   Tabbouleh Salad - $6

   Baklava - $5 per square

   Apricot Roll - $3

   Lemonade - $4 small, $7 large


    Tacos - Beef, Pork, Chicken



    Tartas (sandwiches)

    Papas Fritas (french fries topped with meat)


    Plantanos Frito (fried plantains)

    Aguas Frescas (Horchata, Pina, Pepino Limon, Jamaica) 



    Lumianitos (chicken spring roll) - 7 pieces $5

    Lumpiang gulay (vegetable spring roll) - $3, 2 for $5

    Empanada de Manila (beef turnover) - $5, 2 for $8

    Inihaw na Manok (grilled chicken sticks) - $5, 3 for $10

    Pancit Bihon (vegetarian stir fried noodles) - $8

    Adobo Rice Bowl (braised chicken on rice) - $8

    Kanin (rice) - $3

    Combo: Inihaw na Manok (grilled chicken), Pancit, Lumpianitos (5 pieces) - $15


    Turon (fried banana Wrap) - $3, 2 for $5

    Leche Flan - $3

    Biko (rice cake) - $3, 2 for $5

    Ube pan de sal (purple yam bread) - $2

​    Pan de Coco (bread with sweetened grated coconut) - $2


    Melon Juice (canteloupe drink) - $2

    Calamansi Juice with Honey (Filipino lemonade) - $2


    Pierogies (6 flavors)

    Stuffed Cabbage



    Apple dumplings

    Ice Cream

    Swedish Waffles



    Vegetable and Shrimp Fried Rice

    Egg Roll 

    Orange Chicken

    Vegetable Lomein




   Vegetable Fried Rice

   Shrimp Fried Rice

   Egg Roll 

   Vegetable Lomein
